Sunday, January 28, 2007

Post No. 100!!! =D

TADAAA!!! This is the 100th post on this blog!!! Wahahaha… >=D

Well errr…nothing so great about it,no? Hehe…well,compared to other bloggers out there…they might had already reached much-much higher number of posts…One thousand? Perhaps One million???!!! Yikes…100 posts to them is just like a one cent coin lying on the roadside…But hey,this means that I still haven’t stopped blogging(albeit not much posts) and will continue to do so…just wouldn’t know when I’ll lose the drive to continue anymore…hehe…so to me,100 posts so far is a pretty good achievement and the 2nd anniversary for this blog is coming soon too =P

My laptop finally returned back to my arms…after undergoing a “surgery” in the computer shop…The “operation” was successful…it didn’t die and came back with more hard disk space,from the peanut-sized,40Gb to double the amount,80Gb!!! But unfortunately…it suffered “amnesia” and all it’s previous memories(data) couldn’t be recovered…it was reformatted and replaced with a new hard disk,80Gb(previous 40Gb hard disk was corrupted)…meaning more $$$ bye-bye <=( sadness…So now I am thinking of getting another hard disk(the 3.5 inch,desktop hard disk type) to back-up all the necessary/unnecessary stuff in it…wont be bringing this around cuz its huge…Aih…better start saving money from now…lols…Oh and do please “donate” some mp3s to my empty library of music =P

To commemorate this 100th post…once again,it’s time for some pictures…

In the olden times…people tend to take pictures with their cameras…like this…

Notice how the “subject” places the camera against his eyes and snaps the picture…so primitive-looking =_=”

Now,with modern technology…even mobile phones are able to take pictures as well…

Notice how this particular “subject” uses his cameraphone to snap a picture…without the need to rub his head against the camera(or in this case…the mobile phone)
Caution: Might invoke cancer if head is rubbed(exposed) against mobile phone for a prolonged period of time <= 0

He could also take a “shiok-sendiri” picture of himself too…

Don’t worry…his face is not stuck on the display of the mobile phone =P

Hmmm…but how does he snap a picture the “traditional” way?

If it doesn’t even have a viewfinder??? How??? Simply amazing!!! =_=”

Of course…this mobile phone is able to take pictures and also work like a mobile phone…so,if a camera is able to take pictures,then…

It might be able to work like a mobile phone? =_=” Must’ve been weak signal or something =P

See…this is what happens if I am too bored(and hafta update my blog too =P ) and also this post had nothing to do with food too!!! Lols…anyways,the 1 week holidays are over and I am about to return back to Semenyih in a few hours time(after dinner of course =P )…Too short to be counted as a holiday though,I barely did anything “eventful” if I must say so myself,haha…Oh and if you have nothing to do like me,pay a visit to to play a lame game…try it,haha…hilarious and lame humour ensures =P
Take care everybody!!!
Note:Camera is not a mobile phone…in case no one knew about this…So stop trying to insert a SIM card into the camera’s memory card slot…lols =P

Monday, January 22, 2007

Year 2…Semester 1…Completed =P

Yesh!!! Exams are finally over…staying over in Semenyih for 3 weeks,felt like I had been there for 3 months!!! Anyways…glad that was over and another semester is down for the count…Well,technically it isn’t really over yet…like any other fairy tale stories out there,it must have an ending,right? A good or bad ending is yet to be determined yet…as I await the outcome of the examination results…which of course,depends on how well I did for the papers…which depends on the questions asked…which depends on the person who sets the questions…which depends on the modules/topics/subjects that were decided for me,without any choice at all *cough*cough* Basis of Biotechnology *cough*cough*,etc…(never-ending non-sensical ramblings)…

Oh well…since what had been done couldn’t be altered…I shall leave it as it is…and look forward to this 1 week of holidays!!! Tough luck…it wasn’t 1 month off though,hehe…

Just right after the last day of exams(Friday)…went to a very far-far away place(well,it wasn’t that far…from Semenyih…minus the traffic jam and rain) to have dinner…

It was an Italian Restaurant…Venezia…all the way to Cheras

The ambience of the restaurant was quite soothing…(or maybe because there weren’t many customers =P )

Hmmm,if only they had made enough money to afford some curtains…lols…Pasar Malam(Night Market) outside…

Open-aired kitchen…

Smell of pizza from the oven…as The Rock says…“If you smeeeellll…What The Rock is cooking?!!”…imitated by person in picture =_=”

Lo and behold!!!

The BEST Spaghetti Carbonara in the whole wide world!!! Lols…over-exaggeration…well,it probably tastes good if one had been eating instant noodles one too many times in a week =_=” And a slice of heavenly mushroom+chicken+perhaps other stuff that I cant remember pizza…quite pricey though,but definitely good stuff!!! ; )

For all you anti-Pizza Hut,anti-Dominoes Pizza,anti-Shakeys,etc…out there…do drop by to Venezia

Advertisement Picture Pose!!! =P
From Left to Right: Choong Hoe,Pei Wen,Sulyn and Pin Pin…Many thanks to our sponsor,Pin Pin…so whatcha say for Round 2,book the whole restaurant? Hehe…

The following day…TTS5 once again brings you…something different…something bizarrely odd…something no one had ever witnessed before…Ok-ok,maybe it’s only me who’ve never seen it before…

Steamboat with bubbling brown stuff???!!! Lols…it’s actually Satay Celup…the soup,are those peanut sauce that is usually eaten together with Satay

A closer view…

But the soup/sauce wasn’t thick enough…still Ok though,managed to stuff ourselves…actually almost felt like puking…too much peanut-ty feeling in my stomach =_=”

Now…something normal…something ordinary…something commonly found around…

Your typical Steamboat in a typical neighbourhood…near Cheras…again?

Time for another Advertisement Picture Pose!!! =D

From Left to Right: Pui Yen,Weng Siong and Lik Yang…Lucky number to buy for lottery,number 43!!!

Probably I would get complained for putting up pictures of food again…haha…the whole post is not really about food only(as in pictures of food only)…surroundings and people are included too…ok? Apart from the happy-happy makan-makan post…my laptop KO’ed…just whenever I need to rely on it…Windows couldn’t start-up when I turn on the power…sigh…will bring it for repair…hopefully could save my stuff inside,saddening indeed if everything gone case <=(

By the way,I had recently started to watch American Idol…probably I was too bored whilst staying in Semenyih…I find it interesting though,especially the early preliminary rounds of course(wont watch the later parts I guess)…my goodness,all the funny antics one would do,to become…the next American Idol…wake up and face reality man…lols >=P

Sunday, January 14, 2007

News Flash!!!

We interrupt this blog for urgent news…reporting live from TTS5

In TTS5…strange black unidentified moss had been sighted…appearing from no where…

Local investigators are still trying to determine what had caused this “phenomena”…a new species had been found or perhaps some foreign lifeform,brought over from outer space…

Elsewhere,in the Kitchen District of TTS5

Thousands of “six legged terrorists” heavily assaulted the food encampment…Task forces were being dispatched…to “exterminate” the menace and gain control of the situation…

Casualties were tremendously high…many “lives” were claimed by the “terrorist”…especially instant noodles…

Fellow “dead bodies” had been identified…consisting of Maggi,Cintan,Mamee,Indomie and perhaps many more,which were difficult to be distinguished due to great damage caused by the acclaimed “terrorists” faction…known as A.N.T.S

These “survivors” from the mass killings were fortunate enough to live and managed to survive the onslaught…

The horrifying experience would continue to haunt them,from time to time…

We’ll be back…after this short break…stay tuned…


Fancy of eating out but don’t know where? Well,look no further and drop by at this place(somewhere along the road,opposite from Carrefour in Kepong =P )…Bak Kut Teh is enough to satisfy your hunger…after a long drive or grocery shopping…

Caution: Not Halal…Duh!(In case if one doesn’t know…) =P

And we’re back with more breaking news…

In the tropical region…it would certainly be odd to witness snow…well,you are looking at one now on your TV(Computer) screen…approximately 3cm deep,inhabitants had to be evacuated in order for ice-picking,ensuring that they aren’t burrowed beneath…

That’s all for this segment…This is Channel 5TTS5 News… ; P

(Ending Credits scrolling…)

Lols…I must’ve been really bored to do this…actually not really “reporting live”…it occurred about one and a half week ago,when I just came back to TTS5…ANTS killing spree!!! =_=” Still in the midst of examinations…just 3 more papers to go…sigh…
See Ya!!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Entering Two Oh-Oh Se7en…(2007)

Yes-yes…by now everyone would knew that it’s already the year 2007…unless he/she had been hiding in a cave somewhere for far too long or perhaps traveled through time from the future…Feeling refreshed? Feeling that everything is starting anew? Feeling that it’s another continuous loop of time? Whatever it is…can’t turn back time anyways…how do I feel? Hmmm…for now,not much of a big difference,hehe…the magic of 2007 hasn’t really gotten into me yet =P

Since this is gonna be the LAST post…haha,no-no…not the last post before I close down this blog forever =P It’s the last post(ironically,it’s the first post of 2007) before I return back earlier to Semenyih(a.k.a Jungleland)…for the sake of the @##$$%#% EXAMS!!! Will not be back till the whole thing is over…meaning no updates for perhaps 3 weeks…Last time,around end of the year(December) supposedly to be pure holidays and then ushered the new year,where everything starts anew once again…Heh,this time totally opposite…around end of the year,its “studying time” and once the new year hath cometh,EXAMS!!! WTF?!! Oh I am so much looking forward to it…(sarcasm)

Anyways…on towards to the pictures section…uploading em’ had been a pain…no thanks to the earthquake in Taiwan that disrupted the internet >=(

On Christmas Eve…went to Eastin Hotel(PJ) with my family for a buffet dinner…since the food and environment is so-so only…there isn’t much of a “photo-marathon” of the place
Red and green balloons tied to chairs…to me,it feels like a birthday party is going on …and if I tie enough balloons to a single chair,perhaps I will be able to fly/hover in the skies…the problem is…how do I get down? Hmmm…

Delicious-looking turkey? Hmmm…

Nah…it wasn’t that “Turkey-licious”…Chicken kicks turkey’s ass anytime…anyplace =P

Then on Christmas Day itself…went to Craig’s place for dinner(tradition of almost every year,hehe)…

Home-cooked meals are always the best…hehe,cuz it always tasted home-ly? Much-much better than Eastin Hotel’s buffet,seriously =)

Oh…hehe,a late entry for Christmas(Tree) Fashion Show 2006?!! Lols…

It’s the same tree that I had seen for the countless times whenever I am there for Christmas…perhaps next time,consider bleaching it? Hehe =P

Christmas+Belated Birthday present?!!

If you cant go to UK…THEN bring UK to yourself =P Thanks to Wei Sun(Cindy/Sayaka) for this “memorable” gift,who just came back momentarily from UK…guess its time to save up some money? Hmmm…

Something new for my gadget collection…hehe =)

It’s a Canon Digital IXUS 65 Camera!!! So shiny and glossy till I am too afraid to use it…kena scratch sakit hati leh =P No need to rely on my SE k750i cameraphone anymore…hehe,not really…depending on situation…the digital camera will be useful for taking pictures in not-so-brightly-lit places(ada FLASH) and has a wider picture angle(plus further and clearer zoomed pictures)...will still use my handy+convenient cameraphone =)

And on New Year’s Eve…where was I? Well…practically decided not to go anywhere…been going out too often,haven’t been studying much…still,there were fireworks being displayed nearby my neighbourhood…

“Artificial” fireworks =_=” But there really were fireworks…just not as “spectacular” as the one seen in the picture,hehe…

Alright…that’s the end of the this post…now before I log off,this is the moment where I take some time to say a few “last words”…It had been great fun to enjoy myself during these holidays,running around meeting up with friends whom I haven’t seen for ages…although it obviously WOULD be BETTER if I could’ve just get the darn thought of exam out of my head…for every single time I went out,I feel pre-guilty…sigh =_=” Oh well,no point complaining so much…doesn’t help at all…

Wishing everybody…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Let the new adventures begin…all the best everytime to everybody at everywhere doing everything =)

And as for those undertaking the “it is so wrong to have post-holidays” exams…
GOOD LUCK!!! >=)

Back to getting some things done which I’ll hafta exert self-force …studying is definitely not my hobby…studying is pointless if one is reading text books/lecture notes merely as story books(in other words,reading without memorising a single thing!)
Aiyayaya…GAMBATEH!!! >8 P

See ya…in roughly 3 weeks time as I’ll be M.I.A(Missing in Action)… =P