Event Job: MIGP 2007…Completed
Yupz…as the title of the post says it all…the particular event job that I worked for 3 days,had come to an end…which in a way,means that an update of the event would be posted up on this blog =_=”
Anyways,the workload isn’t that tiring to me…maybe I am used to it? But,the tiring part is the journey to and fro…that is,by means of public transport…no choice leh,hehe…
This is a typical scene in a KTM…as the madding crowd rushed for their daily routine,in the morning…

A sign that mocks the passengers…

Now this is also a typical scene in the morning…but in a LRT instead…

Noticed the similarities? =_=”
From above…KFC’s Colonel Sanders just had to smirk upon the passengers

Depressing moments aside…upon reaching KLCC,it’s time to get our engines up and running for the day…the whole crew were divided into 2 teams(8 person per team)…and each team had their own registration counter to attend to…
Now,within each team…3 will be doing registration on laptops…1 will be in charge of selling directory booklets…1 will be doing “crowd control”(think of it like a traffic police during a massive traffic jam =P ) and the remaining 3(which includes me) will be as “back-ups”…What do they(we) do? Well…packing goodie bags,substituting fellow comrades(when break time,toilet break,applying make-up break,when fingers get cramped,when someone’s tangan or kaki patah,etc… =_=” you’ll get the idea of what I am trying to say,in an over exaggerated manner)…and errrr…prepare coffee or tea? Massage treatment for tired personnel? “Ta-pau” Char Koay Teow all the way from Penang? Etc…nonsensical stuff being proposed randomly =_=”
Sorry…don’t really have much pictures to show our working groove…too hardworking,geh? =P And also the exhibition in the convention centre wasn’t covered much…it’s all a matter of company policy…so just use your imagination to figure things out…hehe
At the end of the day…can fool around a bit,so here’s my side of the team…

Introducing…MIGP 2007 Registration Counter 5 Team!!! Lols…
From Left to Right,
BACK: Huey Ling,Yuen Ching,Joycelyn,ME
FRONT: Ying Sing,Joanne,Sin Yi,Kang Jie
(YES!!! Hopefully I managed to get everyone’s name right…should be correct,hehe or else surely kena tembak =P )
And here’s the whole(almost all ler) motley crew!!!

Know or recognised anyone? Picture very blur…should blame the camera or the person taking the picture? =P (Compliments goes to Huey Ling for the 2 pictures and others as well,which I didn’t post em’ up)
After a long 3 day’s worth of work…we get…

Some of the items in the goodie bag that was distributed to all(well,not entirely all =P ) the kiasu people who had nothing to do with the event itself…or maybe,let’s just say that they could be “potential customers” one fine day =_=” Water bottle,giant paper clip,mousepad+lightbulb balloon,cooler bag,cap,doortag…can keep the T-shirt and “dog tag” as well…all these are worth as much(or better) than a couple of McDonald’s Happy Meal,leh =P
Most importantly…this as well…

Overall,it was fun and a good experience…met more people,make friends(banyak girls ^_^ )…at least earn some cash instead of rotting at home…etc…bagus-bagus…do contact me again for opportunities such as these in the future
So what to do now? Continue rotting at home? Not really…part-time job started already…hehe…will be working till end of August…provided I don’t offend someone/accidentally or deliberately burn down the place/killed somebody/etc…and got fired or something…it’s in 1 Utama…no-no,not the same place that I previously worked in last time(Mwahahahaha…betrayer!!! >=P )…but it’s the same type of job lah(some of you may know where cuz I already told ya)…
Possible updates coming up? Depends on circumstances…for now,it’s time to bid farewell!!! Take care everyonezzzz =)
Overall,it was fun and a good experience…met more people,make friends(banyak girls ^_^ )…at least earn some cash instead of rotting at home…etc…bagus-bagus…do contact me again for opportunities such as these in the future
So what to do now? Continue rotting at home? Not really…part-time job started already…hehe…will be working till end of August…provided I don’t offend someone/accidentally or deliberately burn down the place/killed somebody/etc…and got fired or something…it’s in 1 Utama…no-no,not the same place that I previously worked in last time(Mwahahahaha…betrayer!!! >=P )…but it’s the same type of job lah(some of you may know where cuz I already told ya)…
Possible updates coming up? Depends on circumstances…for now,it’s time to bid farewell!!! Take care everyonezzzz =)
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